Monday, October 29, 2012

Rrraarrgghh! (Panda Roar)

Life sucks, boys and girls. It makes me so incredibly angry, and hurt, and sad, all at the same time. If it's not my love life, then it's work, or my landlord, or my roommate, or my nonexistent social life, or any one of a hundred other things. I'm so tired of it all. It's days like this that make me want to jump off the Water Street Bridge.

But then I realize that it's too short a fall, and I'd probably just wind up
breaking my leg or something, which would make life suck even more.

I thought that moving would have alleviated some of my stress. Instead, it's increased it tenfold. I've been late on rent nearly every month since I've been out here, because I don't make enough at my job to cover it. (Wisconsin has that fucking stupid law about 'federal minimum wage not applying to people that earn tips' thing. Incidentally, I didn't think it was possible to take home a paycheck for $0.00, but that's another story) Finding a second job is just as difficult (if not more difficult) than finding my first, which is really pissing me off, since it's about the time of year where people start hiring for seasonal help. They'll hire any slack-jawed idiot that can spell his name correctly on the application, but they won't hire me...

Seriously? He has more appeal than I do? Seriously?

My roommate, the only person in this state that I would call my friend, is driving me out of my mind. When she's around, that is. Most of the time, I'm stuck trying to entertain myself. "But wait," I hear you asking your computer screen, "why don't you just go out and do something, make some new friends?" To which I answer, "See my above paragraph about not having money." Going out and doing something in this town (being a college town after all) mainly involves going to the bars or a frat party and getting wasted off your ass anyway.

Not really my idea of fun...
I suppose a big part of why I'm feeling this way is that there's been a couple of things that hit me pretty hard these past few weeks. A lot harder than I was expecting...

I feel terrible, for a whole host of reasons. I'm not sure if putting things to screen have helped, either; it just seemed to have churned things up. I guess it's therapeutic to get it all out, but I still feel like shit. I'll probably survive, but right now it doesn't feel like it.

This post is a little depressing, I suppose. Sorry. Here, I'll leave you with something fun:

A fish tank. Get it? *sigh* They can't all be gems...

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