Monday, March 18, 2013


Ahoy. Captain Panda, back again.

So I haven't been on in a while, I know. Partially, it was because I've been massively busy. But another part was that I didn't really have much to say. I still don't, really; at least nothing that anyone really cares about other than myself. Which, I get it, I suppose. Too much negativity comes from my keyboard at the moment. I know I promised that I would try and be light and upbeat on this, shall we say, 'literary circus,' and I haven't really done that. (I think that was another reason why I was away.) But, right now, I can't stay away. Feel free to rail at me if you must.


Shit is just getting harder and harder to deal with. No one is ever satisfied. Nothing is ever good enough. The weight of the world keeps crushing me more and more, day after day, and it's getting harder and harder to keep fighting. I can't keep dealing with it all.

My own version of Atlas, I suppose. Though, a bit more metaphorical.

I still fight, mind you. I haven't completely given up yet. I still keep shouldering the weight of the world and marching on. But it's harder and harder to bear the weight.

Thanks for reading. And for those of you that are sticking with me through all the crap...thanks.

And for those that aren't...good riddance, you sodding old wankers.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled program.

Lemon curry?

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